° Vitamins are non-calorie nutrients and don't affect body weight, but help the body manage metabolism and energy absorbed from food;

° Cooking reduces the number of vitamins, but it depends on both the type of vitamin and the type of cooking. Immersion in water is the way of cooking that involves the greatest loss, in no case vitamins are eliminated; while, freezing food doesn't involve any loss of vitamins;

° The vitamin content of fruits can change according to ripeness and is higher in ripe fruits, provided that ripening takes place on the plant and not in the fridge;

° Vitamins are found in greater quantities in plants, as they are the only organisms capable of producing vitamins on their own;

° The content of vitamins in supplements is fixed by law, it's between a minimum value, determined in such a way that it contributes correctly to the need, and a maximum, well below the toxicity threshold;

° Taking vitamins through multivitamin supplements cannot lead to hypervitaminosis phenomena, most vitamins do not accumulate in the body as the excess is eliminated through the urine. Even for accumulating vitamins, such as vitamin A, there are no risks, as long as the methods of intake indicated in the package are respected. 


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